Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dangerous Dan

Dangerous Dan

Saturday Oct 24.   It’s like a Columbo Mystery. “Where is Janice?”   OH… And…. (Placing my cigar stained finger to my temple)… Just one more thing…..     Sunday Oct 25   Her name isn’t Janice. In fact, you may not recognize her name but she was a big star in England. You will…MORE

BV’s Confidential

BV’s Confidential

Wednesday, was supposed to have been the day.  October 21, 2015 the day that Marty McFly traveled back to the future from October 26, 1985.  I have to admit I am pretty disappointed with the future, as a kid watching the back to the future movies, I was filed with optimism about what the world…MORE

Scott’s Turf

Scott’s Turf

Senseless. We are heartbroken that a 4-year old little girl was killed in a road rage incident. It highlights our need for first responders and the people who keep us safe that also step into harm’s way. I’m excited to have Bernalillo County deputy Robin Hopkins on the air today to talk about the dangers…MORE

Standing Pat

Standing Pat

It is hard to believe but we are less than two weeks away from the first Lobo Basketball game here on 770 KKOB.  It is Tuesday, November third in the Pit.  We are your official flagship station for Lobo Sports all season long. On Saturday the Lobo football team tries to stay in the hunt…MORE

Dangerous Dan

Dangerous Dan

This week the Dangerous Danecdotes at 7 and 9 on Saturday Oct 17 will be titled “Who discovered America?” Most historians agree that the first inhabitants of America came across the ice of the Bering Sea from Siberia to Alaska.   Leif Erickson found New England about 1000 AD.   Columbus sailed for the new…MORE

BV’s Confidential

BV’s Confidential

So, have you ever showed up at work drunk?  Probably not, but evidently some people do even when they have high profile jobs.  USC football coach Steve Sarkisian was fired this week after he allegedly showed up at a team meeting intoxicated, then reports that he was actually drunk while coaching on the sidelines earlier…MORE

Scott’s turf

Scott’s turf

We need to thank you again. For the 60th time in the last 62 ratings periods, 770 KKOB is the number one station in Albuquerque. We can’t do it without your loyalty and willingness to discuss the biggest issues we face. My commitment is to talk about the things that impact us locally then regionally…MORE

Standing Pat

Standing Pat

The latest ratings are out and again 770 KKOB finished number one overall.  Bob is #1 in mornings and Rush is crushing the competition in his slot.    Scott Stiegler is the number one talker in afternoons.   Right oh!  MORE

Dangerous Dan

Dangerous Dan

SATURDAY OCT 10 the show will be much like this past week.   My co-host, Jill Lane will not be on the show again this week. She is busy with her duties at the Balloon Museum where she is on staff. Jill will be back with me Sunday the 11th, coming to you live from…MORE

BV’s Confidential

BV’s Confidential

The calls for gun control are getting louder as we recover from another mass shooting.  This time in Oregon as an unhinged psycho killed 9 people at a community college.  By the way the campus was a gun free zone. I take it the perpetrator didn’t read the signs.  Second amendment advocates should not panic,…MORE

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