Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dramatic Video from Coronado Mall

Albuquerque Police Department just released surveillance footage of 15-year-old Isaiah Montoya the suspect in the Friday shooting at Coronado Center. Video shows Montoya chasing a teen through the mall, finally stopping at an exit, waving to the teen to exit with him. The teen approaches the doors when Montoya fires the shot, from outside Coronado Center. People can be seen…MORE

Senate Republicans issue statement on passage of EV mandate

Senate Republicans issue statement on passage of EV mandate

Santa Fe, NM (KKOB) — Late Friday afternoon, the unelected members of the Environmental Improvement Board (EIB) passed a controversial rule requiring the forced transition of new vehicle sales to electric on a 3-2 vote. Two of the seven-member board did not vote on the measure. The rule will require auto manufacturers to deliver to New Mexico…MORE

CABQ Associate Chief Administrative Officer to retire

CABQ Associate Chief Administrative Officer to retire

Albuquerque, NM (KKOB) — Over the weekend, the City of Albuquerque announced Associate Chief Administrative Officer Bob White will retire at the end of the month after a long career in public service. White has been a presence in government in New Mexico for over 40 years as an attorney and public servant, formerly serving…MORE

ENMU celebrates 55th annual Pops Concert

ENMU celebrates 55th annual Pops Concert

Portales, NM (KKOB) — The Eastern New Mexico University Friends of Music welcomes the ENMU community to the 55th annual Pops Concert on Saturday, November 11, at 7 p.m. at the ballroom in the University Campus Union Building. “The concert will feature the talents of the ENMU Swanee Singers performing music from Broadway classics, including…MORE

Take A Ride On Us

When enjoying the St. Patrick’s Day holiday, plan ahead and “Take a Ride on Us!” Together we can ENDWI. CUMULUS MEDIA has partnered with Bernalillo County Department of Behavioral Health Services, Sandoval County DWI Planning, Sandia Casino and Glasheen, Valles and Inderman Injury Lawyers to help ENDWI. Open the Uber App now and enter the code NMGREEN25…MORE

Cache test

2023-06-12 1:31PM EST 2023-06-12 1:32PM EST 2023-06-12 2:47PM EST 2023-06-12 2:51PM ESTMORE

New Mexicans now have access to affordable small loans

New Mexicans now have access to affordable small loans

Santa Fe, NM (KKOB) — Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and U.S. Bank, which together represent approximately one in four bank branches in New Mexico, are now offering affordable small loans to their customers in New Mexico and across the country. As of January 1, 2023, a state law limits annual interest rates on small…MORE

Multi-Agency Task Force investigates APD officer-involved shooting

Multi-Agency Task Force investigates APD officer-involved shooting

Albuquerque, NM (KKOB) — The Multi-Agency Task Force is investigating an officer-involved shooting that occurred overnight in the Foothills Area Command. APD officers responded at 2:20 a.m. to a report from a caller of a single-vehicle crash in the center median of Tramway Blvd., just south of Menaul Blvd., N.E. Officers responded to the scene,…MORE

NM Supreme Court decision on water rights

NM Supreme Court decision on water rights

Santa Fe, NM (KKOB) — People have a constitutional right to walk or wade on the streambed of water flowing over privately owned land in New Mexico when they fish or engage in other recreation, the state Supreme Court ruled in an opinion issued today. “We hold that the public has the right to recreate…MORE

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