Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dangerous Dan

Dangerous Dan

Sunday we will honor our dear friend Terrie Q Sayre who passed away one year ago this week. Along with being the host of our show, Terrie was a Chili Cook-off Judge and a Miss World Chili Queen. We will follow the colorful history of the Chili Cook Offs in Texas and also see the…MORE

BV’s Confidential

BV’s Confidential

We have lost three rock legends in short order as we begin 2016, Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead, David Bowie and this weekend we lost Glenn Frye.  Bowie of course is the giant among this group, he is probably the artist most responsible for the creation of the music video and MTV.  He was one of…MORE

Scott’s Turf

Scott’s Turf

The state legislature has started its 30 day session. We’ll be watching how your elected officials work on fixes to make your driver’s license compliant with the Real ID act, how they come together to keep repeat violent criminals off the streets and what they do about ways to stimulate our lagging economy. Stay tuned.…MORE

Standing Pat

Standing Pat

Hard to believe but January 20th marked the one-year anniversary of the death of 770 KKOB weekend show host, Terrie Q. Sayre.   Time sure flies by and life goes on.   That’s how she would have wanted it.  MORE

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Dangerous Dan

Dangerous Dan

America is the most obese country in the world. Why?   Some experts think it is because we put too much emphasis on the relationship between food and success. Think about it. If someone has a victory in his or her life we don’t throw a barn raising or long distance marathon in their honor.…MORE

BV’s Confidential

BV’s Confidential

You have not been able to look anywhere in the media the last few weeks without hearing about the Netflix Documentary series “Making a Murderer”.  So I finally relented and watched this series about Steven Avery a small town Wisconsin man with a low IQ who was wrongly convicted of rape and assault in 1985…MORE

Scott’s Turf

Scott’s Turf

In less than one week, the New Mexico legislature will convene for a 30 day session that is designed to focus on budget and economic issues. But there is a demand that our state’s leaders need to fix the problem of repeat, violent criminals getting back on the streets, a solution for your driver’s license…MORE

Standing Pat

Standing Pat

The latest ratings are out and 770 is number one.  And after looking at the ratings that came out a week ago I am confident we made the right decision to remove Michael Savage from the lineup.  In fact when Savage came on after Rush half of the listeners shut the station off.    Now on…MORE

Dangerous Dan

Dangerous Dan

Mom liked you best! Those words launched the successful careers of Dick and Tommy Smothers. Their controversial political views got them fired from CBS. What was overlooked was their comedy genius and musical talent. We will focus on that aspect of the brothers on Saturday Jan 9. And by the way. What about the Smothers…MORE

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