Category Archives: Uncategorized

Leap Year Every Four Years

Leap Year Every Four Years

February is the shortest month of the year, but it’s a little longer this year. It’s a leap year so we have an extra day this month. Leap year happens every four years so the solar system can synch up with the Gregorian calendar. Leap day is coming up next Monday, February 29th. That means…MORE

Weekend Lineup

Weekend Lineup

Feb 20, 1962, Astronaut John Glenn became the first American to orbit the earth in outer space at an altitude of 162 miles. His three orbits took just under 5 hours.   To celebrate the 54 years since that feat, our show will take on a space theme this Saturday Feb 20. The show will…MORE

Opening Scene

Opening Scene

It could have been the opening scene of movie or a mystery novel, the most controversial Supreme Court Justice of the last 50 years, by all accounts in robust health, found dead at a ranch in a remote area of west Texas.  Authorities were very quick to say that Justice Scalia death did not involve…MORE

State Legislative session

State Legislative session

The State Legislative session ends today at noon. We’ve been watching many bills that address issues we’ve been talking about languish in senate committees. We’ll wrap up the session later today and find out what was done and what was left undone. Join us for the Stig Show starting at 4pm weekdays.  MORE

Top Secret!!

Top Secret!!

This is supposed to be top secret until next week but I am going to spill the beans.  KKOB morning show producer Jennifer Davis is going to be on the cover of Albuquerque the Magazine when it comes out next week.  Look for it on a stand near you.  Here is an advance copy of…MORE

Deputy McGrane

Deputy McGrane

It will be 10 years next month since Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Deputy James McGrane Jr. was murdered in the line of duty. He was shot and killed on March 22, 2006. From that moment, Deputy McGrane’s parents, Jim and Rita McGrane, decided to turn their personal family tragedy into a positive. Jim and Rita created…MORE

Weekend Line Up!

Weekend Line Up!

Monday Feb 15th is Presidents day and Jill and I will be hosting a special show honoring that elite club of 44 from 6am to 10.   Prior to that.   I am from a small town and for some reason small towns are funnier than large cities or so it seems. We will explore the…MORE

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders

Big wins in New Hampshire for Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.  Many pundits will tell you that it is a pipe dream that Bernie Sanders can overtake Hillary Clinton and win the Democratic Nomination, I for one do not feel it is that far outside the realm of possibility.  Remember these pundits are the same…MORE

30 Day Session

30 Day Session

There is a little more than a week left in the 30 day session of the New Mexico Legislature in Santa Fe. By most accounts, there is a lot of politics being played with potential laws important to our safety and economic development. Stay tuned to the Stig Show for daily updates from Santa Fe…MORE

New Hip

New Hip

Bob and Jen were poking fun at me and my new hip this week on the morning show.     Jen says with my new artificial hip I should now be able to guess the weather each day.  I had hip replacement two months ago and I am doing great.  Returned to work in four weeks walking without…MORE

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