Category Archives: Uncategorized

Real ID

Real ID

The governor signed the bill this week to create a two-tiered driver’s license in New Mexico. It means you’ll get a Real ID compliant license when your current license expires unless it’s after 2020. If you are in that group, I’m told you’ll have to get a new license at no expense. Stay tuned and…MORE

It’s Tax Season

It’s Tax Season

It’s tax season, and there is some good news. We have a few extra days to file our taxes this year. The deadline is usually April 15th. But this year, it’s Monday, April 18th. The reason for the extension is because Washington D.C. will be observing the Emancipation Day holiday on April 15th, so that moves the…MORE

Weekend Line Up

Weekend Line Up

Don Yarmy was about to realize his dream of a show business career in comedy with an appearance on The Arthur Godfry Talent Scout Show when he learned that the contestants were called in alphabetical order. So he “GOT SMART” and changed his name to Don Adams. He was first to perform and won the…MORE

It’s Time

It’s Time

for the Republican Party to grew up and accept the fact that Donald Trump will be the GOP nominee.  The Establishment Republicans have known for quite some time that Trump was a serious threat and 16 other Republicans ran against him in the primaries, they could not stop Trump.  So all the whining, crying and tantrums…MORE

Super Tuesday

Super Tuesday

Super Tuesday is over and, for the Republicans, there still seems to be a race but the window is closing fast on anybody not named Donald Trump. The furor over the bus rapid transit system seems to be intensifying but city officials believe the opponents are a vocal minority. The Lobos are struggling and Holly…MORE

Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday!!!

We want to say happy birthday to one of our wonderful and long time sponsors here on 770 KKOB. Rich Ford opened in Albuquerque in March of 1961. We will spending a lot of time this month hanging out with our buddy, Dennis Snyder, and everyone at Rich Ford in honor of their 55th birthday. Join me and…MORE

Weekend Lineup

Weekend Lineup

We will be broadcasting live from The New Mexico Home Remodeling and Landscape Show Feb 27 and 28th at Expo New Mexico AKA the New Mexico State Fair Grounds from 7am to 10am.   Along with news of the show and interviews with exhibitors, the Dangerous Danecdotes topic will be “Random Facts of Kindness”…MORE

Donald Trump

Donald Trump

I can’t be the only person who is enjoying watching all the pundits and talking heads now scrambling and doing their best top hedge on Donald Trump.  Both on the left and especially on the right, the fact that Trump can literally do nothing to stop himself is fascinating.  A few times in this campaign…MORE

Sometimes I Feel Like I’m Drinking From A Fire Hose!

Sometimes I Feel Like I’m Drinking From A Fire Hose!

So many things happening at the same time but I’m trying to keep up with the race for president, the fallout of what happened at the state legislature and stories like the child ejected from the car on the freeway while the mother left the scene! Our task is to talk about the things that…MORE

Programming notes

Programming notes

Some programming notes this week.   Eric Strauss is off Saturday and Brandon Vogt from the Scott Stiegler show will be filling in from 2-5p.  The Lobos play at home Saturday night versus Fresno State and it’s a late game.  Pregame starts at 7:30 here on 770 KKOB.  MORE

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