Category Archives: Uncategorized



After Apple refused to help us fight the war on terror from the Islamic State.  Our government actually did something smart for a change, they were proactive and found and paid hackers to unlock the phone of the San Bernardino terrorists, finally a worthwhile investment of our tax dollars.  When this story about Apple refusing…MORE

Hitting the  Road

Hitting the Road

The Stig Show is hitting the road. I’ll be at the new westside office of the Oakmont Advisory Group tomorrow from 4-7pm on the southeast corner of Paseo Del Norte and Eagle Ranch. They’ll have a giant shredder there to let you dispose of documents you don’t need anymore. It’s free. They’re also providing free…MORE

Mile Stones

Mile Stones

I will be celebrating a major milestone this weekend with my family back in my hometown of Hershey, Pa. My mom is turning 90 years old. I am travelling home to attend her birthday party. I realize how luck I am to still have my mom with us after all these years, so I wanted to…MORE

Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz

The Wisconsin primary this week showed us that Ted Cruz is not going anywhere and Hillary Clinton is just not going to get rid of Bernie Sanders anytime soon.  The Cruz Wisconsin win really is not much of a surprise, Trump has been polling at 30-34% for two months now and after Cruz garnered the…MORE

Republican Presidential Race

Republican Presidential Race

How much did Wisconsin change things in the Republican presidential race? It’s becoming more likely that the New Mexico primary in June will have an impact, albeit not huge. It’s also more and more probable that no candidate will have the required 1,237 delegates needed for the nomination. That means a contested convention and all…MORE

770 KKOB Saturday’s

770 KKOB Saturday’s

This Saturday another new show starts on 770 KKOB.  Jeffrey Candelaria, longtime resident of this area will host the show from 2-5p.    I think he’s going to do a great job.  And thank you to all of you that chimed in with positive feedback on moving Eric Strauss to Saturday and Sunday mornings 7-10a.…MORE

Kirtland Air Force Base

Kirtland Air Force Base

Kirtland Air Force Base is celebrating its 75th birthday in 2016 and there are many special events scheduled this year in Albuquerque for the anniversary. The highlight is an Air Show and Open House on June 4th and 5th featuring the Air Force Thunderbirds aerial demonstration team. That event is free and open to the public.…MORE

NCAA Tournament

NCAA Tournament

Our annual March distraction has come and almost gone again.  This year’s NCAA tournament held plenty of surprises Yale advancing, Arkansas Pine- Bluff defeating the mighty Michigan State Spartans, but the biggest surprise was launched by a perennial power. The Syracuse Orangemen (yes it still call them Orangemen even though they had to change their…MORE

New Mexico Primary

New Mexico Primary

The New Mexico primary isn’t until June 7. I had been lamenting that it was so late in the primary season that our votes wouldn’t matter. Turns out we may be positioned to have a big impact. Even though our primary is the same day as much larger California, there may be some attention paid…MORE

Changes Coming To 770 KKOB

Changes Coming To 770 KKOB

There are some changes coming to 770 KKOB this weekend.  Eric Strauss moves from his Saturday afternoon slot to Saturday and   Sunday mornings 7a-10a.    Taking over the Saturday afternoon slot from 2-5p is Jeffrey Candelaria.  He will start on April 9th.  MORE

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