Super Tuesday Part II this week, provided no cracks in the armor for Donald Trump. Despite how hard the establishment and the media have tried GOP voters are siding with Trump. Last week the assault came from trying to align Trump with the KKK, of course that did not stick, so this week they tried to align him with Adolph Hitler. Glenn Beck made a fool of himself, comparing Trump to Hitler several times and even raising up a Nazi ballot on ABC’s This Week. This has had no effect on Trump’s momentum. Years from now we will look back on the election cycle, in shame, that the establishment absolutely would not accept the will of the people. Really the only way for the Republican Party to stay together is to rally around Trump, win lose or draw. This lesson learned here is that a political party does not exist to serve the officials involved but to carry out policy of like-minded voters, the GOP forgot about this years ago and the cost will be a re-imagination of the Republican Party.