BV’s Confidential

We have lost three rock legends in short order as we begin 2016, Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead, David Bowie and this weekend we lost Glenn Frye.  Bowie of course is the giant among this group, he is probably the artist most responsible for the creation of the music video and MTV.  He was one of the first musicians to put out promotional videos for his singles in the mid 1970’s.  It is a rare quality for a true artist, to also be commercially relevant and successful as well.  After the Ziggy Stardust and Major Tom era of the 70’s Bowie embraced the pop life of the 80’s with huge hits and continued to endure in the 90’s going back to his rock roots with the side project band Tin Machine.  His last album “Blackstar” we now know is a farewell to his fans, and he will be imitated from now on. His impact not just in music, but fashion, art, and popular culture.  Count yourself lucky that you were alive when David Bowie was walking the planet as well.