I was reading an article this week, the title was “HOW TO MAKE A GIRL HAPPY”. Hey, I enjoy fiction as much as the next guy so we will feature that subject Saturday on a show called “Funny Little Love Songs.
The Soybean Festival is under way in Korea. I thought it would be fun to have a Tofu Chef on the show Sunday but I was not able to fine one in the phone book. Maybe Michael JR is right when he says Tofu is short for “tried to fool you”.
Instead we will look at some of Korea’s more unusual customs.
Like Crime Reenactments.
When someone is convicted of a violent crime such as rape or murder, he/she is forced to take part in these humiliating public rituals. For starters the police bind the convict with ropes or handcuffs and they are then led to the scene of the crime and forced to recreate the act. The media is invited along to publicize the event. The dates and times are printed in newspapers so the public can show up, watch and hurl insults. Maybe our legislators in Santa Fa should be considering this kind of law.