BV’s Confidential

The calls for gun control are getting louder as we recover from another mass shooting.  This time in Oregon as an unhinged psycho killed 9 people at a community college.  By the way the campus was a gun free zone. I take it the perpetrator didn’t read the signs.  Second amendment advocates should not panic, even as the President himself is not hesitating to play politics with the event.  In reality the left doesn’t want harsher gun control laws, because they know the game will be over.  There’s no more political football if the football is gone.  This is something that secretly the left wants to keep in play.  They know darn well Americans will never give up their guns. The left knows these are the things that civil wars are made of, and nobody wants that.  The bad thing is that the right will have to weather another gun storm, which is good for gun dealers. They end up making a mint from all the hysteria.