Donald Trump made news for the right reasons this week. He finally unveiled his tax reform plan, tax relief for the middle class, a simplified tax code, and growth to the economy is what he is promising. It’s basically modified supply-side economics or Reaganomics that will eliminate income tax for 73 million US households. Married couples making 50,000-100,000 dollars will only pay a 10% income tax rate, the next bracket 20% for 100,001-300,000 dollars, and 25% for over 300,000 dollars. Trump will also simplify the tax code and close loopholes for the very wealthy. This will make CPA’s and tax attorneys all over the country cry in their beers. But if he gets elected and can push this through it will be a major relief for the American people. Trump also advocates for the elimination of the death tax, which has been a heavy burden on far too many families for too long. This also signals a new beginning for the Trump campaign. As the front runner, he has been setting the agenda for the party contenders and now Trump is bringing to the table clear and understandable ideas that his supporters and those at least intrigued can get behind. The only thing lacking in his arsenal now is a foreign policy. But as the world is ever so changing there is really no hard and fast structures that he can announce that won’t be picked apart, so it is actually beneficial for Trump to stay vague and broad in foreign policy matters at this time. For now, Trump should stay with his strengths–economics and illegal immigration. That is what the people want to hear. If these primaries and later election turn on the economy who are the American people going to trust–the socialist leaning Democratic Party or a self-made billionaire?