Bv’S Confidential

Our current President is a Muslim. Well, that is what was said by a man at a Donald Trump Town Hall meeting in New Hampshire, and Trump because he did not “correct’ him is now taking heat. This is clear evidence of how the media is really stretching it to try to take Trump down. Trump of course defended himself, saying it not his job to correct someone’s opinion. This is the absolute truth, candidates should not be responsible for what their supporters say. In a recent CNN poll 20% believe Obama was not born in the US and 29% believe he is a Muslim, 43% of Republicans believe he is a Muslim. Here are the facts even if he was born in Kenya or another country, because his mother was a US citizen, he is a citizen, that is why I never bought into the birther rhetoric, it just does not matter. However, the fact that his Father was a Muslim and Obama was his first born son, it does hold water that Obama is or was a Muslim at some point in his life. The man says he is a Christian I will take his word on it, but arguments can be made that he is a Muslim sympathizer and perhaps he is hiding his true faith, because let’s face it, he probably would have even gotten the Democratic nomination in 2008 if he was openly Muslim. These questions are very much in play because Obama himself has been late to the game in coming forward with information. We do not know very much about this man at all, in an age where we can find out everything about anybody, Obama is still shrouded in mystery, no college transcripts, no writings, and not many official documents about him. The man with the question at the Trump town hall, was dismissed as a crackpot, well about third of the country agrees with him. And shame on the other Republican candidates who also weighed in saying Trump should have corrected him, let Obama fight his own battles on who he really is, it’s not Trumps or anyone else’s job to defend him, if Obama comes with the truth and evidence there won’t be this kind of public perception surrounding him.