BV’s Confidential

With the second GOP debate this week, we are starting to find out who is for real.  Of course, Donald Trump, but the naysayers still contend “look where Rick Perry was at this point in the election cycle four years ago, and see where he ended up.”  Correct me if I’m wrong but I never saw Rick Perry fill up NBA basketball arenas, and southern football stadiums.  One of the great things about Trump is that some people still do not take him seriously, and it still gives him a sort of underdog appeal even though he has been the front runner for months.  Speaking of Rick Perry, he has left the race, no one really noticed and it is time for others to follow suit, so we can pair this down and have a real debate on real issues instead of just passing the microphone around to the 64 people still in the GOP race.  Lee Iacocca, another great business mind, who would have made a great President once said, “You lead, follow or get out of the way,”–it is time for Jindal, Graham, Huckabee, Christie, Patacki, and Santorum to get out of the way.  Some candidates have actually benefited from this crowded field because they have not been able to answer tough questions or be examined closely enough, because there are too many candidates, and Trump has been taking most of the attention.   Candidates like Fiorina, Rubio, Walker, Paul, and Kasich have been allowed to fly under the radar–continue to raise money and not really say anything of consequence. Let’s get this thing down to the four men who can legitimately win this thing–Trump, Carson, Cruz, Bush–and have these men debate, be questioned, and vetted by voters and save the circus for the 2020 election cycle.