Senate Republicans re-introduce comprehensive crime bill for upcoming Special Session

Santa Fe, NM (KKOB) — Thursday, the New Mexico Senate Republicans announced their plan to re-introduce legislation to strengthen the state’s Racketeering Act (RICO) during the upcoming Special Session. The bill echoes the effort made to address public safety by Senate Republicans during this year’s regular Legislative Session in January and February. 

“Unfortunately, the Governor’s proposals regarding panhandling and competency will do little to meaningfully address public safety,” said Senate Republican Whip, Senator Craig Brandt (R-Rio Rancho). “If we are going to spend tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars on a Special Session, let’s come in and give law enforcement and prosecutors the tools they need to target the career criminals perpetuating our state’s crime crisis. It is past time for the Democrats to join us in taking crime seriously.”

The RICO bill aims to target organized crime and broaden the scope of crimes that qualify for RICO prosecution, including expanded sentencing for human trafficking and sexual exploitation of children. The bill was previously drafted with input from the state’s top law enforcement agencies, local district attorneys, and police departments. 

“The New Mexico Senate Republicans remain steadfast in our commitment to making our communities safer” added Senate Republican Leader, Senator Greg Baca (R-Belen). “It is unfortunate that proposals like this one were completely ignored and derailed this past Session, but we again come to the table with solutions. If the Governor is serious about public safety, she will ensure that this proposal, as well as our previously announced border crime package, are included in the scope of the Special Session. No more punting. The time to address our crime crisis is now.”