BernCo hosts 2024 General Obligation bond package proposal virtual presentations

Bernalillo County, NM (KKOB) — BernCo will host two webinars to discuss Bernalillo County’s 2024 general obligation (GO) bond proposal on Monday, June 17 from 11 a.m. to noon and from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. The presentation will also allow the public to ask questions and provide feedback about the bond proposal.

The public can register for either of two meetings held on Microsoft Teams:

  1. June 17, 2024, 11 a.m. to noon:
  1. June 17, 2024, from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.:

Every two years, coinciding with the GO bond election cycle, the Bernalillo County Capital Improvement Program (CIP) team works with all county departments to evaluate and identify capital funding needs for roads, parks, community centers, libraries, county buildings, water, sewer, storm drainage, and public safety facilities.

To view the proposed 2024 GO bond page, click here.

The CIP team has also completed the proposed six-year 2024-2030 Capital Improvement Plan. Projects in the Capital Improvement Plan respond to basic infrastructure, quality of life facilities, property and resource protection, economic development promotion, and community wellness initiatives that county residents value.

The county’s proposed Six-Year Capital Improvement Plan has 70 projects with a total project cost of $626.8 million. The projects are 40% funded with a total of $249.3 million in committed funds. Another 60% – or $377.5 million – of total project costs remains unfunded.

The county’s six-year Capital Improvement Plan helps determine the projects included in the GO bond package every even year. The proposed GO bond package and ballot language is on the June 25, 2024, agenda of the Bernalillo County Board of Commissioners for review and approval:

  1. The 2024 GO bond package and ballot language. The proposed $40.5 million package has six categories of projects:
  • Question 1: Libraries
  • Question 2: Public Safety Facilities, Fleet, and County Buildings
  • Question 3: Parks and Recreation
  • Question 4: Transportation
  • Question 5: Storm Drainage and Utilities
  • Question 6: Public Housing

The public can also provide comments, feedback, and/or questions to Kathy Korte, chief of government affairs ([email protected]) or Lorri Romero, CIP Strategic Program Manager ([email protected]).