Deaths are down, but screening remains essential

Albuquerque, NM (KKOB) — The risk of dying from cancer has been declining for years. However, this comes as cancer risks are currently on the rise. University of New Mexico health expert Dr. Abinash Achrekar says, thanks to early detection and advancements in treatments… death risk has actually been falling over the last 30 years. The increasing rates of cancer diagnoses are driven by six common cancers; breast, prostate, uterine, pancreatic, kidney, and skin cancers. Achrekar recommends meeting with your doctor at least once a year to understand what you should be screening for and when.

Albuquerque, NM (KKOB) -- The risk of dying from cancer has been declining for years. However, this comes as cancer risks are currently on the rise. University of New Mexico health expert Dr. Abinash Achrekar says, thanks to early detection and advancements in treatments... death risk has actually been falling over the last 30 years. The increasing rates of cancer diagnoses are driven by six common cancers; breast, prostate, uterine, pancreatic, kidney, and skin cancers. Achrekar recommends meeting with your doctor at least once a year to understand what you should be screening for and when.