The AMAFCA Tumbleweed Snowman is about to appear

Tumbleweed Snowman

Albuquerque, NM (KKOB) — The Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority Tumbleweed Snowman appears on the north side of Interstate 40 at the AMAFCA offices every year. The debut occurs on Tumbleweed Tuesday, the first Tuesday after the Thanksgiving holiday, at 9 a.m.. For many Albuquerque residents, the appearance of the Tumbleweed Snowman signals the start of the holiday season. The tradition began in 1995.

AMAFCA is known for the design, construction and maintenance of facilities that provide regional flood protection, multi-use opportunities within flood control facilities and structures that improve the quality of Albuquerque’s urban storm water runoff.

Protecting life and property since 1963.