for the Republican Party to grew up and accept the fact that Donald Trump will be the GOP nominee. The Establishment Republicans have known for quite some time that Trump was a serious threat and 16 other Republicans ran against him in the primaries, they could not stop Trump. So all the whining, crying and tantrums need to stop immediately. The GOP had their opportunity to listen to the American people and they refused, that is why Republican voters finally woke up and decided I am not hold my nose and vote for another establishment candidate, like they had to with McCain in ’08 and Romney in ’12. They are going to vote for someone strong like Donald Trump. Ted Cruz supporters will tell you he is also an outsider maybe more outside than what Trump is, but what they don’t understand is, the perception of Ted Cruz is that he is an insider because he is part of the Senate. Americans did not know who Ted Cruz until he was, until he was in the Senate that makes him an insider. Americans have known about Trump for 30 years he has never been part of politics. Like it or not, it is time for the GOP to embrace Trump and wage the assault on Hillary instead of Trump.