I can’t be the only person who is enjoying watching all the pundits and talking heads now scrambling and doing their best top hedge on Donald Trump. Both on the left and especially on the right, the fact that Trump can literally do nothing to stop himself is fascinating. A few times in this campaign cycle, I thought, that could be it, like these greatest hits, “a Muslim shouldn’t run for President,” ” I saw Muslims celebrating on 911,” “George Bush Lied.” Let’s just take these three lines out of the dozens of politically incorrect rhetoric from Trump campaign that would have killed any other politician campaign. Let’s face it no practicing Muslim will never be a Presidential candidate on a major ticket, so it doesn’t matter if that person can run for president or not, it’s not going to happen. Did Trump see Muslims celebrating on 911, maybe, maybe not, but CBS news stories clearly showed Muslims celebrating, dancing and singing in New Jersey after 911, so that did happen. And the last one this was supposed to be the one that going to sink Trump in South Carolina, “Bush Lied.” As hard as it is for blindly loyal Republicans to believe this is true. Bush did lie. Was it malicious? No. Did he believe he was telling the truth? Yes. But these are the facts, Bush told congress and the American people that Iraq was harboring weapons of mass destruction. Maybe they were at one time, but we never found them, the American people were duped. George W. Bush did not mean to lie, he just did, he was hoping he was right, 90% sure he was right, but he wasn’t. That is a lie.
What people who don’t understand about the Trump mania don’t get is that Trump supporters are not tied to Bush or the Republican Party for that matter. The GOP for the last 25 years has been trying to find ways to broaden the base bring new people in, younger people, people for diverse ethnic lines. The party has been going about this all wrong, and it took an outsider and guy who “may not be a real conservative to bring the party into the 21st century and get people excited about the GOP for the 1st time since 1980. Donald Trump did not change the Republican Party, the party changed around him.