Weekend Lineup

Feb 20, 1962, Astronaut John Glenn became the first American to orbit the earth in outer space at an altitude of 162 miles. His three orbits took just under 5 hours.


To celebrate the 54 years since that feat, our show will take on a space theme this Saturday Feb 20. The show will be called “(Jim) Beam me up Scotty”


This is Black History Month and on Sunday we will honor some of those outstanding African Americans who have made substantial contributions in the areas of science and comedy. The show is “Flip Wilson made me do it”.


Join Jill Lane at 8 on Saturday for “In Your Backyard” and 8:30 for “Terrie Q’s Adorable Adoptable Pets” Then Sunday 8 for “Showcase New Mexico” and 8:30 Sunday for “Happy Tails” the only radio program sponsored by a dog (Travlin’ Jack).​


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