It could have been the opening scene of movie or a mystery novel, the most controversial Supreme Court Justice of the last 50 years, by all accounts in robust health, found dead at a ranch in a remote area of west Texas. Authorities were very quick to say that Justice Scalia death did not involve foul play, a judge even signed off on that. But a pillow was found on his head and there will be no autopsy because he has already been embalmed. Regardless of how the circumstances of Scalia’s death play out the reality is conservatives will never get a mind like him on the court again? Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito will have to go it alone from now on. Even Chief Justice John Roberts who was supposed to be this stalwart of conservatism allowed Obamacare to survive twice. Obama will pick a another left wing activist justice, and maybe this will finally prove to conservatives that issues need to be resolved in the legislative branch instead of gutlessly relying on the “no fault” situation of having Obama’s Supreme Court make important decisions. After this appointment one third of the Supreme Court will be Obama picks, this will be his true legacy and this is what will rot America from the inside regardless of who the next President is, Obama’s Court will be shaping America for the next 30 years.