The Fallout From The Iowa Caucus

The fallout from the Iowa caucus told us more than a few things this week.  Including Rubio is for real, Carson is not, Trump is now upset at himself and Cruz has the knowledge, money and manpower for a real conservative to run a full scale nationwide campaign. Rubio is for real only our default, some call him the establishment candidate, what they really want to say when they say establishment is “safe”.  What has happened when Republicans run a safe candidate over the last 20 years guys like Dole, McCain and Romney what do these three people have in common…they are all losers in the general election. It is really disappointing how Ben Carson was not able to capitalize on any of the momentum he was generating in the early part of the race.  Carson is a great man and would probably make a good president but I don’t really thinks he wants it bad enough. Carson has become the Huckabee of ’08 in 2016 he will use this to go on a speaking tour, write books and probably get a show on Fox News.  The worst nightmare of Ted Cruz may have just come true, his win in Iowa could have awakened Donald Trump.  In the last few days of Iowa, Trump kind of acted like he did not even cared if he won, after the Palin endorsement which was probably a week too soon, he pretty much phoned the rest of the campaign in, which left the door open for Cruz.  We could see the full measure of Donald Trump for the rest of this campaign, Trump is sure to win New Hampshire handily and South Carolina will be the Trump- Cruz showdown we have been waiting for all season.