Dangerous Dan

Sunday we will honor our dear friend Terrie Q Sayre who passed away one year ago this week. Along with being the host of our show, Terrie was a Chili Cook-off Judge and a Miss World Chili Queen. We will follow the colorful history of the Chili Cook Offs in Texas and also see the role that Carroll Shelby, the designer of the Mustang Cobra, played in furthering the contests. This will lead us into the connection between auto racing and chili which will bring us full circle to Mom Unser’s Famous Chili that she brought to Indianapolis every year.


On a different subject.

We will follow Jeff Foxworthy to Montreal. Are there any “Rednecks” there? Eh?


Saturday we will turn the clock back to the era of the “Tin Lizzy”. Henry Ford once said “you can have the Model T in any color you want as long as it’s Black”.



Don’t forget Dangerous dan-ecdotes at 7 and 9 and Jill Lane brings you up to date with what is happening in your world on In Your Back Yard on Saturday at 8 and Showcase New Mexico at 8 on Sunday. Pet news on Terrie Q’s Adorable Adoptable Pets Sat at 8:30 and the only radio program sponsored by a dog (Travlin’ Jack) on Sunday at 8:30, Happy Tails To You.


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