Dangerous Dan

America is the most obese country in the world. Why?


Some experts think it is because we put too much emphasis on the relationship between food and success. Think about it. If someone has a victory in his or her life we don’t throw a barn raising or long distance marathon in their honor. We throw a dinner. Saturday’s show is called “I never got a dinner”.




The 1980 movie Airplane won the Writers Guild of America Award for best Adapted Comedy. ADAPTED? FROM WHAT?


This popular movie (sixth on Bravo’s 100 Funniest Movies) was actually an adaptation of the 1957 film Zero Hour starring Dana Andrews as Ted Stryker. The original was not meant to be funny but when held up to its offspring born 23 years later, the laughs start coming. We will do just that on Sunday…and also look at what happens when a normally pleasant flight attendant tries to quit smoking.


Join us Sunday but please, don’t call me Shirley.



Don’t forget Dangerous dan-ecdotes at 7 and 9 and Jill Lane brings you up to date with what is happening in your world on In Your Back Yard on Saturday at 8 and Showcase New Mexico at 8 on Sunday. Pet news on Terrie Q’s Adorable Adoptable Pets Sat at 8:30 and the only radio program sponsored by a dog (Travlin’ Jack) on Sunday at 8:30, Happy Tails To You.