The Islamic State killings in San Bernardino is just the beginning. The PC cops have finally done it, it has made America afraid of its own shadow. Before the San Bernardino Islamic State killings, neighbors found it odd that many middle eastern people were coming in and out of the killers home at all hours of the day and night and there were people in the garage working with tools and machines as well. Did the neighbors say anything? Of course not, because if they would have, then they would have been labeled a bigot or Islamaphobic. So guess what, they just let them be and because of their reluctance to do the right thing 14 Americans are dead and many more will be recovering from their injuries mental and physical for a lifetime. 14 American families have been destroyed because people who knew something stood by and did nothing because in Barrack Hussein Obama’s America you will be strung up as a racist for even implying that a Muslim might be a terrorist. ISIS was created by Obama because of his ineptitude and ignorance in the Middle East and now he has brought Islamic terrorism it to our shores. This is only the start, there will be more bloodshed, as more American Muslim became radicalized and softer target are hit. Our only hope is that we can wait out the storm until a new President who will lead and undertake the hard work of eradicating Islamic terrorism is elected.