Was anybody really surprised that Charlie Sheen is HIV Positive? Sheen broke the news recently only after an 18 month National Enquirer investigation found out contracted and has been living with the disease for years. Sheen allegedly paid millions to extortionists to keep his secrets private that all ended when the Enquirer found out. The reaction to the Sheen admission has been a mixed bag some cannot understand why a man who seemingly had it all, he was at one time and very recently the highest paid actor on television. He grew up in the spotlight with a famous actor father Martin Sheen. How could he let his addictions to drugs, sex and fame ultimately lead him to contracting HIV? When you look at the facts we should be surprised he did not contract it sooner. Some people who seemingly have it all are always reaching for something different. This is probably why Charlie Sheen become so reckless with his life, there was never any consequences for him. His good looks, charm, money, and family influence was always enough to pull him out of any situation. With the exception of his current predicament, he has always found a way to not only survive but to fail up and become even more successful. Those days are over now for Sheen he is simply yet another cautionary tale from Hollywood.