Dangerous Dan

Saturday is Halloween and we will all be getting lots of visitors at our door. There is a visitor on the way Saturday night you might not know was coming. We’ll talk about it on the show and have some funny and scary stories too.


Sunday November 1 is a special day. It is a day in which every person in New Mexico will have their life upset thanks to the inaction and disregard for our wishes by our Legislature last March.


Most voters stated they were in favor of dumping the practice of changing our clocks twice a year, but guess what. Sunday we will all change our clocks anyway.


The highly popular bill to stay on Daylight Savings time all year, while passed by the House, was buried in committee by the Senate where it died.


So Sunday will be the perfect time to talk about our lawmakers in Santa Fe. Don’t get me wrong. They passed some useful bills. They made it against the law for someone to wade in any shallow water on my property without my permission. “GET OUT OF MY CREEK!!!!” This while they left violent felons free to roam our streets at will.