Wednesday, was supposed to have been the day. October 21, 2015 the day that Marty McFly traveled back to the future from October 26, 1985. I have to admit I am pretty disappointed with the future, as a kid watching the back to the future movies, I was filed with optimism about what the world would be like when I got older. Seeing these past 30 years I would like to go back the 1985 way of life, we had a President we could be proud of and trust in his leadership, which has gone totally out the window in 2015. We didn’t know every single detail about our celebrities and movie stars, they was one great show to watch in late night, Johnny Carson not six subpar shows. Sitcoms that had laugh tracks and you did not have to cringe at the content when watching with kids. Every TV show did not have to have a leftist agenda, with pro- choice, pro homosexual, and pro socialism propaganda written into the scripts. So I wish we could time travel some of our values from 1985 to 2015.